Telehealth Readiness Assessment

Please review the summary and respond to the survey below.

Telehealth is the distribution of health-related services and information via telecommunications and digital communication technologies. Live video conferencing, remote patient monitoring, virtual sitter are examples of technologies used in telehealth. Telehealth can improve access to health care, increase delivery options and improve patient outcomes. However, implementation of telehealth services requires organizations to shift how they operate and deliver care as organizational processes are often set up to support face-to-face encounters. In fact, there are “seven deadly barriers” for telehealth: money, regulations, hype, adoption, technology, evidence, and success.

This Telehealth Readiness Assessment tool is designed to assist physician practices in determining their readiness for telehealth. The five domains provided in this tool are associated with the successful implementation of telehealth based on literature.

1. Core Readiness
2. Financial Considerations
3. Operations
4. Staff Engagement
5. Patient Readiness

The Telehealth Readiness Assessment tool is intended to be completed in around 10 minutes by the lead physician or office manager in collaboration with other stakeholders in their practice.